My husband doesn’t talk about work much. Mainly because he is in the government and is required to keep his projects under wraps. He is also the kind of husband who would much rather leave work at work and then be daddy + hubby when he comes home. Oh how I have been SO blessed by that accomplishment. It’s a lot harder with my job since I work from home, so I appreciate that he wants to be present with us. What he does talk about when he comes home, is the people he works with, and the interactions that he has during the day. Which happens to not always be work related
With being in the military, everyone is known by their last name, so I heard the name Purkey float around in conversation for a long time. It had become especially known when Brad told me that this Purkey “guy” wanted to write a letter to my nephew, while he was in Marine bootcamp. I was surprised and thankful. My family means the world to me, and the fact that a complete stranger to Seth would be that willing to do something like that, it filled my heart. But it’s a Semper Fi bond, that only they understand. So when Brad’s program had a get together to go bowling to create team building, families were invited too. Matt was there, and I finally got to meet the man behind the inspirational letter. We didn’t get to chat long with me chasing a 1.5 year old around, but I thanked him for his letter.
Fast forward to a year later. Two of Brad’s buddy’s wanted to meet up for dinner with significant other’s and the children. The choice of the night was Mexican. {I knew our friendship was on the right track!} I re-met Matt and his wife Amanda, and their daughter Micah. I was just weeks away from giving birth to Ayla, and we talked over loud kiddos, and the hustle and bustle of ordering and getting our food! It was a fabulous time with a scrumptious meal, and I knew that I had made some new friends that night. Since then, we have had so many great times together, and I was honored when they asked me to take their family portraits! And who wouldn’t want to capture this little beauty?
Amanda says, I could not have asked for a better husband, parenting partner & friend. Micah was quite the surprise but the moment we found out, he was so excited to be a dad. Life certainly changed once Micah entered our world but we can’t imagine our world without her! We love to spend time together as a family, whether its playing on the basement floor or exploring the city of Dayton.
Micah is our angel. She is such a good-natured baby and just goes with the flow. She has recently learned to pull herself up on things and cruises along the furniture. She’ll be walking in no time I’m afraid. She loves to sit on the floor to play with her toys, but really loves to crawl to things she shouldn’t play with, so mommy or daddy will chase her. Little stinker. When she’s in the mood, she likes to be read to. And when she is tired, she grabs the softest thing she can find & rubs her eyes while simultaneously melting her daddy’s heart.
Oh, and wait until 12 weeks to tell people about pregnancy? Not my husband. You will be seeing these three in the future, with Amanda sporting a TWINS baby bump!! Yep, shortly after these photos, they found out they were expecting, and the ultrasound showed TWO little miracles!! SURPRISE!!! We are enjoying every moment the 3 of us get to spend together. I’ll be heading back to work in a few short weeks & after Christmas our 3 will become 5! So we’re trying to make the most of our time as a family of 3 before Micah has to share us with her twin siblings. Whether it’s finding the time & energy to get things done. Or cleaning & laundry, food truck rallies, & the zoo, somehow we make it happen. But with M working full time & pursuing his PhD and me and my pregnancy nausea/exhaustion, we definitely have to take things one day at a time & not look too far ahead. Because that view can be OVERWHELMING! I keep telling myself that The Lord brought us to it, so we need to trust in Him to get us through it!!
Matt, Amanda, + Micah!! I have been sooo blessed in getting to know you, and even more thankful to now call you friends! You have such an adorable family and I CAN.NOT.WAIT. to meet those twinsies of yours! I pray that any overwhelming feeling is replaced with just what you need on that day! I wish you nothing but happiness over the FIVE of you and here is to our continued friendship!! Much love!
love, echo